Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sigmund Freud

He was the founder of the discipline of the psychoanalysis. He was a physician, philosopher and Austrian neurologist. He born May 6, 1856 and and he died on September 23, 1939. Freud is best known for his theories about the unconscious mind and the mechanism of repression. Thanks to a grant, had the opportunity to begin his studies in Paris. There he had access to patients suffering from hysteria and the effects observed were hypnosis and suggestion as a means of processing it. He searching any information about the unconscious mind in the investigations of patients who present symptom about some any mental conflict. Necessarily about sexual conflicts or conflicts about childhood. When behavior causes conflict, the unconscious mind repress that behavior and blocks that behavior, preventing future conflicts in the unconscious mind. I like his theory because i believe about the unconscious mind. About his hidden behavior and above all how work the repression into the mind. In the Childhood conflict and how that repression prevents future incorrect behaviors. Also, the psychoanalysis is the psychoanalysis is the foundation of all psychotherapy and clinical psychology


  1. Oh! I like too!, hi's a very intelligent and creative man to invent all hes books :)

  2. I like too, but I think that is a little bit crazy

  3. Well, i think that Freud was a great philosopher, he made a great conceptualization of the subject in her time, but i doubt it has done a good work as a psychologist.

  4. Good although you must check your grammar sometimes!!
