Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Blogging Experience

Well, I enjoyed this experience, because I have always used blog but this time with the exception that is in English. I don't like the english, I personally prefer other languages like French, for example. But it really is more useful to English, because the great majority of bibliographicmaterial is in that language. You know.., no everything in this life is as you want.

Something, no all the topics was incredible, or the most entertained of life, but helped me to speak what is in English, which I do not every day

Normally i think about sentences, and in my mind have sense, but that's because i'm forgotting a lot of main grammar rudiments, and for that reason is important the correction of the teacher, because only in that way, i can be better, and that's the main idea, i think that with the correction and with the time against us in this block of the class, i MUST to think fast, because if i don't do it, and i stay thinking over and over again, but without write something, i can finish with a bad score.

I'm on second in psychology. I know a little more about the degree, I feel a little more accustomed to college rhythm, but despite all that, I feel that the fact that English iscompulsory, I do not like 100% going to class.

I think that our esteemed teacher is very smart, and teaching methodology is veryefficient, but other classes are much more complicated, and I needed some hours ofEnglish classes to study, for statistics for example. But I tried to make my blog at homeor advance them before so as not to lag behind on compare to the class.

If I had another opportunity to study English again, security would be more time, and thus be able learn everything that I do not know, because it is not much.


  1. Manuel thanks for your words and pinion. Although you don't like English I think you are a good student. As you mention, English is an important language worldwide many books are written in this language. Cheer up!! next semester is the last one for you!!! Make a little effort and you'll be the best student!! Cheers...
    PS: Does this photo represent an ideal class environment for you? Is she you ideal teacher? Or is it a personal fantasy?

  2. just thing that happened when i tried to write my blog :c
